27 Delicious West African Soups

27 Delicious West African Soups

Aug 04, 2023Abb Adeleke

West African soups are renowned for their rich flavors, diverse ingredients, and cultural significance. Let's delve into some of the most mouthwatering soups this region has to offer:


 From Nigeria to Ghana: 27 Authentic West African Soups to Savor

1. Egusi Soup:

Egusi Soup is a culinary masterpiece enjoyed across West Africa. The base of this delectable soup is made from ground melon seeds, giving it a unique nutty flavor and a thick, hearty consistency. It is often prepared with an assortment of leafy vegetables, such as spinach or bitter leaf, and can be enjoyed with various meats like chicken, beef, or fish. The harmonious blend of flavors makes Egusi Soup a true West African delight.



2. Groundnut Soup:

Groundnut Soup, also known as peanut soup, is a beloved delicacy in the region. The creamy texture of crushed peanuts, combined with a delightful mix of spices, vegetables, and sometimes meat or fish, creates a symphony of flavors. Often served with fufu, a starchy side dish, Groundnut Soup is a comfort food that warms the heart and nourishes the soul.

 west african soups


3. Ogbono Soup:

Derived from ground ogbono seeds, this soup stands out with its thick and viscous texture. The seeds provide a unique flavor that perfectly complements leafy vegetables, fish, or meat. Ogbono Soup is not only a culinary delight but also boasts several health benefits due to its high-fiber content and nutritious ingredients.



4. Efo Riro:

Originating from Nigeria, Efo Riro is a colorful and flavorful spinach and tomato-based soup. Its vibrant hues come from the blend of tomatoes, peppers, and spinach, while the addition of assorted spices elevates its taste to new heights. Efo Riro is often prepared with a variety of protein sources like chicken, fish, or shrimp, making it a versatile and satisfying dish.



5. Palava Sauce:

Palava Sauce is a traditional Sierra Leonean delicacy that showcases the rich culinary heritage of West Africa. Prepared with palm oil, meat, fish, and an assortment of vegetables, this sauce is a harmonious fusion of flavors and textures. The use of palm oil adds a distinctive taste that sets Palava Sauce apart, making it an absolute must-try for any food enthusiast.



6. Okra Soup:

Okra Soup is a beloved West African classic known for its tantalizingly slimy texture and robust flavors. Fresh okra pods are chopped and cooked with a medley of vegetables, meat, or fish. The result is a delightful blend of tastes and textures that will have you savoring each spoonful. Often accompanied by a side of fufu or rice, Okra Soup is a comforting and wholesome meal that has won the hearts of many across the region.



7. Banga Soup:

Banga Soup, also known as Ofe Akwu, is a delightful palm nut soup popular in Nigeria and other West African countries. The rich red palm oil serves as the base, along with ground crayfish, pepper, and spices. This soup is traditionally prepared with various meat options, such as goat meat, beef, or fish, adding depth and richness to the flavors. Banga Soup is often served with a side of starchy fufu or rice, making it a hearty and satisfying meal.



8. Miyan Taushe:

Miyan Taushe is a luscious pumpkin soup hailing from Northern Nigeria. This aromatic delight is made from ripe pumpkin, groundnut paste, and an array of spices. The sweetness of the pumpkin complements the nutty taste of groundnuts, creating a delightful balance of flavors. Traditionally, Miyan Taushe is enjoyed with tuwo shinkafa, a soft rice meal that enhances the overall experience of this delectable soup.



9. Pepper Soup:

Pepper Soup is a popular West African broth renowned for its fiery and invigorating flavors. The soup typically features a variety of meats, such as goat, chicken, or fish, seasoned with an assortment of spices and a generous dose of hot peppers. The combination of aromatic spices and the fiery heat of the peppers makes this soup a comforting choice, especially during cold weather or when one needs a rejuvenating boost.



10. Groundnut Spinach Stew:

This fusion of groundnut and spinach is a delightful West African creation that celebrates the marriage of nutty flavors and vibrant greens. The creamy groundnut paste is mixed with spinach, tomatoes, onions, and various spices, resulting in a flavorful and nourishing dish. Groundnut Spinach Stew is often served with rice, yams, or plantains, making it a complete and satisfying meal.


11. Okazi Soup:

Okazi Soup, also known as Ukazi Soup, hails from the eastern part of Nigeria. It is made with dried and ground Ukazi leaves, giving the soup a slightly thickened texture. Typically enriched with ingredients like meat, fish, and palm oil, Okazi Soup is cherished for its rich taste.



12. Ewok Soup:

Ewok Soup is a Cameroonian delicacy made from Ewok leaves. It is often cooked with crayfish, meat, and palm oil, creating a delightful and aromatic dish. The Ewok leaves infuse the soup with their unique flavors, making it a flavorful and comforting choice.

13. Kondowole:

A delightful Sierra Leonean soup, Kondowole features cassava leaves cooked with palm oil, groundnut paste, and various meats. Typically served with rice, this soup offers a harmonious blend of flavors and textures.



14. Abenkwan:

Abenkwan, also known as Palmnut Soup in Ghana, is a rich and hearty soup made from palm nuts. The palm nuts are boiled and pounded to extract a thick, reddish-orange palm nut cream, which forms the base of the soup. It is then cooked with an assortment of vegetables and meats, often including smoked fish or dried shrimp, adding a delightful smoky flavor to the dish.



15. Miyan Zogale:

Miyan Zogale, or Moringa Soup, is a nutritious soup made from moringa leaves. The leaves of the moringa tree are highly nutritious and are used to create a flavorful and vitamin-rich soup. Miyan Zogale is often combined with groundnut paste or palm oil, along with meat or fish, creating a nourishing and delightful dish.



16. Afang Soup:

Afang Soup hails from Nigeria's southeastern region and features a delightful blend of afang leaves and waterleaf. These leafy greens are cooked with various meats and fish, often including periwinkle or snails, creating a hearty and satisfying meal. The soup is typically thickened with ground crayfish and palm oil, adding an extra layer of flavor to the dish.



17. Miyan Kuka: 

Hailing from Northern Nigeria, Miyan Kuka is a traditional soup made from powdered baobab leaves, spices, and often served with tuwo – a thick porridge. The soup boasts a unique flavor profile with a hint of tanginess from the baobab leaves.



18. Ofe Nsala:

Ofe Nsala, also known as White Soup, is a cherished soup in the Igbo cuisine of Nigeria. The soup is typically prepared with catfish, yam, and a mix of local spices, resulting in a light-colored and flavorful broth. The addition of utazi leaves adds a slightly bitter note that balances the overall taste, making Ofe Nsala a unique and delicious offering.



19. Ewedu and Gbegiri Soup:

Ewedu Soup, made from jute leaves, is commonly paired with Gbegiri Soup, which is made from blended black-eyed peas. The combination of these two soups creates a dynamic and complementary flavor profile. Ewedu Soup has a slimy texture, while Gbegiri Soup is smooth and velvety. The duo is often served together with stewed meats, offering a delightful symphony of tastes and textures.



20. Efo Elegusi:

Efo Elegusi is a delightful combination of two beloved soups - Egusi Soup and Efo Riro. This fusion brings together the nutty flavor of ground melon seeds (egusi) with the vibrant taste of spinach based Efo Riro. The result is a rich and hearty soup that showcases the best of both worlds, making it a favorite among many West African food enthusiasts.



21. Miyan Karkashi:

Miyan Karkashi is a Nigerian draw soup made from karkashi (sesame leaf). It is often consumed in northern Nigeria, where it is typically served with varieties of tuwo such as tuwo shinkafa and tuwo masara. It is related to Ewedu, a traditional Yoruba leaf soup. The addition of dawadawa, spices, and meat makes this soup a delightfully unique and savory experience.



22. Efo Worowo (Soko Soup):

Efo Worowo, also known as Soko Soup, is a popular soup in Nigeria, particularly among the Yoruba people. It is made from Soko leaves, a type of spinach, and typically cooked with a variety of meats or fish. The addition of locust beans and other spices adds depth and character to this mouthwatering soup.



23. Miyan Kuka:

Hailing from Northern Nigeria, Miyan Kuka is a traditional soup made from powdered baobab leaves, spices, and often served with tuwo – a thick porridge. The soup boasts a unique flavor profile with a hint of tanginess from the baobab leaves.


24. Plasas:

Plasas is a flavorful Sierra Leonean soup featuring bitter leaf vegetables, palm oil, and groundnut paste. It is usually served with rice, offering a delightful combination of textures and tastes.


25. Groundnut Spinach Soup:

This delectable fusion of Ghanaian and Nigerian influences combines groundnut paste and spinach to create a nutritious and distinctive soup. The groundnut paste adds richness to the spinach, making it a satisfying meal.

26. Ila Alasepo:

Ila Alasepo is a traditional Yoruba soup from Western Nigeria. It features okra cooked with an assortment of meats, fish, and spices, resulting in a thick and flavorful delicacy. The slimy texture of okra contributes to the soup's unique appeal.

27. Oha Soup:

Oha Soup, also known as Ora Soup, is a popular traditional soup from the Igbo tribe in Nigeria. It is made with Ora leaves, which have a distinctive aroma, combined with assorted meats and palm oil. The result is a rich and aromatic soup loved for its unique flavor profile.




These West African soups exemplify the region's diverse culinary heritage and highlight the creative use of ingredients to craft unforgettable flavors.


These soups not only satisfy hunger but also evoke a sense of nostalgia and cultural pride, as they represent the heart and soul of West African cooking. The use of nutritious and locally sourced ingredients makes these soups not only delicious but also wholesome and nourishing.


Whether you're cooking West African soups at home or enjoying them at a local restaurant, each bite is an invitation to explore a world of flavors that captivate the senses and leave a lasting impression. Bon appétit!

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