Welcome on board today, dear customers and potential customers.
If you have ever surfed our website for palm oil, I know you must have been greeted with so many different brands and types of palm oil that you might have gotten confused about which one to go for.
Yes, we have many brands of palm oil at the My Sasun African store and today, I am here to help you understand the differences between the many brands and types so you can decide which is best for your cooking.

Ola Ola palm oil is not made in Africa. It is made in Malaysia. It's very very fine but it does not quite taste like the African palm oil. It's more refined, very clean and this makes it a very popular choice however.
The downside is that because it is too refined, when you're cooking with Ola Ola, you would have to use a whole lot more of the oil than you would when you're using the regular African oil.
In order to get the African taste you're looking for, you'd have to spice it up a little bit more and end up using a little bit more quantity than what you're used to using.
The Ola Ola brand is of two types:
- The regular type and
- The cholesterol-free type.
The cholesterol-free type is a great choice for those who are looking for a healthy way to still make their own Nigerian/ African dishes without having to pack in those extra ingredients that may not necessarily be healthy.
It is a little bit more liquidy while the regular one which is what we're used to (though not the exact African taste), is the creamy type.

This is a popular choice amongst Nigerians abroad. It is the real 'epo pupa' from motherland, Nigeria and it is a beloved of so many Nigerians. Many customers walk into the warehouse or lay complaints online when they cannot find Obiji palm oil on the shelves.
It is a good palm oil with great ingredients, tastes and originality. You think Obiji brand when you are looking for that African taste. The brand simply gives your local dishes that Nigerian taste you are looking for.
It is aailable from one to five litres.

This is another very popular brand at our store and it garners over 20 orders per day. It is African brand from Ghana.
There are two types of this brand:
The Regular Type
The Zomi Type
The Regular type is natural with no additional ingredients. Just the unsalted, local palm oil.
The Zomi type is however spiced. You might want to read the ingredients to see what spices the type you pick contains. Basically, we can say the Zomi type is the salted palm oil type. Therefore, be careful when salting so your stew or soup doesn't come out too salty.

This brand doesn't give the African taste but comes close to giving you all the nutrients, ingredients and richness that we love in palm oil. It is of two types also:
- The Regular Type
- The Zomi Type
One nice thing about this brand is that during the winter, when the other types solidify, the Omni brand retains its form for a long time. You don't have to pop it into your microwave to warm up.
If you live in severely cold areas however, it can get a little bit solidified. But all you have to do would be to sit the bottle in a bowl of hot water and you will get it back in form!

These are our local in-house brands of palm oil, offered to you only by My Sasun. We have the
- Layem's Palm oil Brand.
-My Sasun Local Brand
Many of our customers who have tasted this brand have not gone back to any other brand since they tasted this. Yeah, it is that good!
And one good thing about this brand is you will get more quantity for your money. The five litres of this brand can last you for a whole long time.
It is original, the texture is good and even in winter it takes so long to solidify.
It offers you the smell, the taste and the richness of home.
We have the bleached version of the brand and this is specially prepared for those who love to cook designer stews. Just pop the 1 litre into your microwave and use. It is amazing!
This is local, right? But the local is still refinely local. However, the next one is the brand that takes you back to the village!

The My Sasun Local Brand of palm oil itself will have your house smelling like Africa when you are cooking but the taste is so amazing. When you use this to make your gbegiri, your black stew, local stew, Egusi stew etc, it feels as though you are eating at one of the Nigerian restaurants.
It is available in 2 litres, 5 litres and 10 litres. You don't have to go back to Africa before you can eat original soups and dishes anymore when this brand is right next to you.
The real ingredient missing in that local soup you are trying to prepare is the palm oil and it's right here at My Sasun, so hurry up and order for yours!
If you like local taste and smell, this is your best bet. Just obey your windows when you are cooking and let your neighbors know that a Nigerian is going back to her roots from her kitchen. Hahaha
All these brands of palm oil are available for purchase on our website. So, quickly visit the website to buy the one that best suits your taste buds.
There are so many recipes you can make with palm oil. We have some on our blog and we have more to come, so simply check out our blog intermittently as we update it every week.
Trust this blog has helped clarified your doubts about the different brands of palm oil available at the My Sasun African store. Make sure you leave us a comment below. Which of these have you tried before and which are you willing to try even now?
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