The Price of a Grudge

The Price of a Grudge

Sep 13, 2024Elizabeth Yakubu

In a vast and ancient forest ruled by mighty Balo, the lion, all creatures feared and respected him. Balo was known for his strength and wisdom, but there was one thing that poisoned his heart—his inability to forgive.


Years ago, when Balo was a young lion, he had a best friend—Nyaga the Leopard. They hunted together, shared stories of their future, and roamed the forest as inseparable companions. But one fateful day, during a terrible drought, Nyaga found a small stream hidden deep in the forest. Desperate for water, he kept the stream a secret, fearing there wouldn’t be enough for both him and Balo.

Also Read: Wanjiru and the Wise Leopard


When Balo discovered the truth, he was furious. “You betrayed me! How could you hide this from me, your brother?”


Nyaga pleaded, his voice breaking. “I only did it to survive, Balo. Forgive me, please!”


But Balo’s heart was hardened. “You will never be my friend again. You are dead to me!” From that day, he cast Nyaga out of his life, vowing never to forgive him.


Years passed, and Balo ruled the jungle alone, holding tightly to the grudge, never once seeking reconciliation. But what Balo didn’t realize was that this grudge had begun to eat away at him. His heart grew colder and his once radiant roar became bitter. He held every slight, every insult, no matter how small, against others. The animals avoided him, fearful of his quick temper and unwillingness to let go of the past.


One day, while hunting, Balo encountered Tortoise, who was known for his sly ways and sharp tongue. Tortoise had heard about Balo’s unforgiving heart and made a wager in his mind. He decided to test the lion's famous grudge-keeping nature.


As Balo walked by, Tortoise, deliberately, crossed his path and without thinking, flicked some dirt onto Balo's golden fur. Immediately, Balo turned on Tortoise with a snarl.



“You filthy creature! You dare disrespect me?”


Tortoise, barely lifting his head, grinned, “It was an accident, mighty King. Surely, a small bit of dirt isn’t enough to stir your rage?”


Balo’s eyes blazed. “You don’t know me well, Tortoise. Even small things like this will not go unpunished!”


The animals gathered around, knowing this was no trivial matter to Balo. Many of them had their own stories of Balo's grudges, ones he never released. They whispered in fear of what he might do next.


Tortoise, sensing the danger, tried to laugh it off, “A bit of dirt never hurt anyone. We can let it go, can’t we?”


Balo, his rage boiling over, roared, “You will suffer, Tortoise, just as all who cross me do!”


But before Balo could act on his anger, an old voice from the trees called out. It was Nyaga, the Leopard. Now old and worn, his once sleek spots faded with time, but his eyes were still sharp. He had been watching from afar, waiting for a moment like this.


“Balo, my old friend,” Nyaga’s voice rang out, “Still holding on to your anger, I see.”

Also Read: The Dance of the Flamingo


Balo’s body stiffened at the sight of Nyaga. His anger, once directed at Tortoise, now surged toward the leopard. “You!” Balo growled. “I haven’t forgotten what you did. I will never forget how you betrayed me.”


Nyaga sighed, stepping closer. “It’s been years, Balo. Are you still letting that one mistake poison your heart?”


“You took the water and left me to die of thirst!” Balo snapped.


“And I begged for your forgiveness, but you chose not to give it,” Nyaga said softly. “And since then, you’ve let every small wrong eat away at you, growing more bitter by the day. Look at you now, ready to destroy Tortoise over a bit of dirt.”


Tortoise, sensing the shift, quietly retreated to the background, watching the scene unfold.


Nyaga continued, his voice filled with both sadness and wisdom. “What you didn’t know, Balo, is that the day after I hid that water from you, I returned to bring you some. But you were gone, consumed by your anger. I sought you out many times, but you refused to see me.”


Balo’s eyes flickered with doubt, but his pride kept his heart hard. “You can’t expect me to forgive you now. After all these years?”


Nyaga looked at him with compassion. “Forgiveness isn’t for me, Balo. It’s for you. Every grudge you hold chains you to the past, making you a prisoner of your own bitterness. You have no peace, no joy. You rule, yes, but you rule alone.”


Balo faltered, the weight of Nyaga’s words sinking in. For years, his heart had been heavy with the anger and betrayal he refused to let go of. The faces of those he had cast aside flashed before his eyes—friends, family, all lost because of his unforgiveness.


As Balo stood there, torn between his pride and the truth before him, a distant sound reached their ears. It was the roaring of flames. The forest was on fire.


Panic spread among the animals. The flames were approaching fast, and there was no time to lose. The animals scattered, seeking safety. Balo turned to flee, but found himself trapped. A burning tree had fallen, blocking his path.


It was Nyaga who rushed forward. With all his strength, the old leopard pushed against the burning tree, clearing a path for Balo to escape. But in doing so, Nyaga was caught by the flames, his fur singed, and he collapsed.


Balo, overcome with emotion, rushed to Nyaga’s side. For the first time in years, tears welled in the lion’s eyes. “Why would you save me after everything?” Balo whispered, his voice breaking.


Nyaga, breathing heavily, managed a smile. “Because you are still my friend, Balo. And friends... they forgive.”


In that moment, Balo felt the chains of his bitterness fall away. The grudge he had held onto for so long now seemed small and meaningless in the face of true sacrifice. He realized that by holding onto his anger, he had lost something far more precious—his friend, his peace, and his own freedom.

Also Read: The Race of the Swans and the Ducks


Balo gently lifted Nyaga onto his back and carried him away from the flames to safety. As the fire was eventually put out, the forest was saved. And so was Balo’s heart.


From that day forward, Balo learned the power of forgiveness. He no longer held onto the small wrongs of others, for he knew that in letting go, he was freeing himself. And though Nyaga’s body never fully recovered from the flames, his heart and his friendship with Balo burned brighter than ever.


The end.

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